Campus Partners interested in participating in the John Lewis Student Leadership Pathways can submit collaboration and/or partnership application(s) through the Engage event registration process. 

The John Lewis Student Leadership Pathways has the mission of preparing participants to be change agents. Participants in the Pathways will be equipped with the skills they need to make meaningful changes within their community both at Georgia Tech and beyond. Additionally, the Pathways aims to inspire students to steadily increase their leadership capacities using the Aspen Leadership Index as a framework. Partners collaborating with the Pathways and submitting events will need to align with one of the capacities of the Aspen Leadership Index .

Leadership Category
Partner Leadership Category
AeroAftoAstro Innovation
American Medical Association Civic
American Nuclear Society Civic, Innovation
American Society of Mechanical Engineers  Innovation
Best Buddies  Inclusive, Interpersonal
Electrify GT Civic
Energy Club Civic, Innovation
Engineering World Health  Civic, Innovation
Engineers in Action Innovation
Grace House Personal
Great Conversations Interpersonal
Hindu Youth for Unity  Inclusive
India Club Inclusive
March of Dimes Inclusive
Minority Association Inclusive
MOVE Civic
SHE For Women Inclusive, Personal
Supercomputing at GT  Innovation
Trailblazers Personal